Fresh from the IsaTrim NZ Blog

Work on Your Isagenix business anywhere

Let Your Ambitions Become Your Reality

General Douglas MacArthur, a famous World War II leader, stated: “There is no security on this earth; there is only opportunity.” And opportunity is what you will have as an independent distributor and member of the IsaTrim New Zealand family. Unless someone is financially independent, you go to work to

Isagenix Cleanze Day

How Can You Keep Your New Year’s Resolution?

  During your New Year’s celebrations, you may – as many do – choose one or a number of New Year’s resolutions to help you be a better, brighter and more positive you in 2017. The trick is, we all know, actually following through with those resolutions. We are here

Isagenix IsaOmega

Isagenix Introduces a New Supplement: IsaOmega

Highly Concentrated Omega-3 Oils Benefit Heart and Cognitive Health No other health product vendor in the world offers a comprehensive program of meals, supplements, and cleanses like Isagenix. IsaLean Shakes, Isagenix Snacks, and IsaGreens are essential food products for weight loss and a healthy diet. Scientifically designed cleanses like Cleanse

Isagenix Dairy Free IsaLean Shake

Isagenix Dairy Free Shakes Now in NZ!

Enjoy the Benefits of Isagenix Shakes, Dairy Free If you are lactose intolerant, you can now enjoy all the health benefits of Isagenix Shakes without the digestive discomfort thanks to the new Isagenix Dairy Free Shake. These premium shakes are your ideal answer for a convenient meal replacement. All Isagenix

Prawn and Zucchini

Isagenix-Friendly Prawns on Zucchini

If you’re on the Isagenix program, there’s a multitude of recipes that can satisfy you without an overload of calories. Here’s one of our favourites: prawns on zucchini… yum! Ingredients: 2 T. extra-virgin olive oil 2 carrots, peeled and sliced 1 stalk celery, chopped 1 medium onion, chopped 2 cloves