If you are just beginning your journey with Isagenix, you may have some questions regarding the products, how to order, the various pricing levels, and how you can earn money by promoting the products (this is completely optional – most customers just enjoy the products for themselves). Read on to see answers to some of the most common questions.
Using the Products
Q. How do Isagenix products work?
A. Isagenix products help remove toxins that accumulate in the body over time. Although weight loss is the most common result of nutritional cleansing, other benefits include improved energy levels, better overall health, and increased lean muscle mass.
Q. What makes Isagenix products so effective and unique?
A. John Anderson, also known as the world-renowned ‘Mineral Man’, founded and formulated Isagenix. With over three decades of experience developing vitamin formulas, John created the program using a variety of effective ingredients that were not found in most Western-based wellness and health products. While the vitamins used in the products can be found on their own in any health store, John and his team of talented scientists combined the vitamins into easy-to-use, effective, unique formulas at affordable prices.
These pure, safe formulas set Isagenix products apart. With a potent combination of ionic trace minerals, over 200 active naturals, and aloe vera, the formulas supply the body with all the nutrients it needs to not only survive, but also to thrive.
Q. How do I achieve results with the 30 Day System?
A. The 30 day weight loss system involves nutritious shakes and aloe-based drinks designed for deep cleansing. The 30 Day Weight Loss System and Weight Loss Premium Pack consist of six shakes days and one day dedicated to deep cleansing (known as a cleanse day). Each program comes with a detailed instructional booklet that explains when to consume the products, a daily planner, meal ideas, and more.
Q. How do shake days and deep cleanse days differ?
A. Shake days involve a healthy, filling shake in the morning and once again in the evening along with a balanced, healthy lunch and nutritious snacks as needed. It is also possible to switch between having your shake for dinner or lunch depending on your schedule and lifestyle.
The program is set around six shake days followed by a deep cleanse day that involves taking Isagenix Cleanse for Life four times during the day.
It is important to consume adequate amounts of water on both cleanse days and shake days in order to help the body flush out impurities and toxins that get released due to the program.
Q. Is it difficult to follow the program?
A. Following the program is easy. It is an ideal option for busy individuals looking to boost their weight loss, performance, and health. The meal replacement shakes from Isagenix are easy to consume and offer instant nutrition. These shakes provide a complete meal that is ready in seconds, a perfect solution for today’s busy world. There is also a range of healthy snacks.
Q. Can I test Isagenix out before committing to the full 30 Day System?
A. For those wishing to simply try the program or use just one product, Isagenix makes each product available for purchase on its own. However, countless studies have proven that following the full Isagenix program creates the best results since each product is meant to complement one another and contribute to complete nutrition. Research shows that it takes 14 to 21 days to form a new habit. This means it is best to continue using Isagenix products (including a mix of shake days and cleanse days) for a minimum of two weeks.
Purchasing Isagenix
Q. Can I get a refund if I decide the products are not right for me?
A. Your first order includes a 30 day money back guarantee – no questions asked. Whether you dislike the flavour of the shakes, did not get the results you hoped for, or decide that it just is not the right program for you, Isagenix is happy to provide a full refund when necessary.
If you are using Isagenix for weight loss, it is recommended to purchase the Weight Loss Premium Pack for your first order. This offers the widest array of products during the first 30 days and offers the ability to experience all of the benefits of Isagenix prior to continuing the program.
Q. How much will it cost to improve my health?
A. Prices vary among the products and can be viewed by checking the price list. Remember that aside from a healthy lunch and some snacks, additional food will not have to be purchased each day. This helps justify the cost of the products.
Q. How long do I have to follow the program?
A. The program works from the inside out by improving your health with a wave of mental and physical benefits. While some customers decide to quit a month or two after achieving their desired results, Isagenix recommends continuing to incorporate the shakes and a few other products into your life for as long as possible. You are free to quit the autoship program at any time since there are no exit fees or contracts.
As a retail or preferred customer, you can also purchase without autoship (these purchases are typically associated with higher costs). This option is available to select during checkout.
Q. Am I required to sell the products?
A. Absolutely not! Although the business aspect of the Isagenix company is rapidly growing, it is completely fine if you simply want to enjoy the products. You are free to join Isagenix as a preferred or retail customer to take advantage of the premium nutritional products.
About the Isagenix Program
Q. Why are Isagenix products so effective?
A. The Isagenix line of products is filled with a variety of effective, safe nutritional shakes and supplements. Their effectiveness is a direct result of the company’s dedication to research, development, and science.
For instance, the shakes are primarily comprised of undenatured, all natural whey protein sourced from the shores of New Zealand. Aside from being completely free of processing, the whey protein is sourced from steroid and hormone-free cows. Active enzymes and trace elements are added to this top quality whey protein to help promote healthy digestion and provide a nutritionally complete meal. Additional benefits of the shakes include:
- Build lean muscle with high-quality undenatured protein
- Low on the glycemic index
- 21 vitamins and minerals to help support an active lifestyle
- Contains healthy fats
- Reach your weight loss goals by feeling satisfied longer
Health and Safety Questions
Q. Are Isagenix products safe for children?
A. Isagenix nutritionists have specific suggestions regarding how to incorporate the products into the diet of children in a healthy and safe way. Generally, shakes and snacks are OK to give your children as part of a balanced, healthy diet. Isagenix recommends that all customers check with their physician prior to making any changes to their diet.
Q. Are the products safe if I am currently taking a prescription medication?
A. Anyone under the care of a physician or taking prescription medication should always get approval from their doctor prior to starting a new nutritional program, including Isagenix. You should make your physician aware of each of the ingredients in your supplements and notify him or her about your plan to follow a healthy eating program that entails nutritional supplements and cleansing. The ingredients can be found on each individual product page.
If you do decide to start an Isagenix program, your physician may wish to monitor your results. Your doctor may even decide to adjust your prescriptions as your health may improve from following the program.
Q. Can I use Isagenix during pregnancy or if I am breastfeeding?
A. Isagenix supplements can be included in your diet during pregnancy or breastfeeding, but it is important not to force weight loss during these times. It is okay to consume IsaLean Shakes and snacks along with prenatal vitamins, but it is important to use them between meals rather than as meal replacements. As always, it is best to double check with your primary physician.
Certain Isagenix products are not recommended during pregnancy or breastfeeding:
- Ionix Supreme
- Cleanse for Life
- Natural Accelerator
- IsaFlush
- IsaGenesis Product B
- Greens
Q. Which products are safe to consume if I suffer from food allergies?
A. In order to try and help as many individuals as possible transform their lives with nutritional cleansing, Isagenix aims to make their products free of allergens. However, although most products are perfectly safe for individuals with food allergies, it is important to reference this allergy table for any potential allergens.
Q. Which products are suitable for vegetarians?
A. Although Isagenix strives to be aware of the needs of vegetarians, those following strict vegetarian diets may choose to avoid certain products in the line. These can be found in the allergens table above.
Q. Why is drinking enough water so important during the program?
A. The unique range of products in the Isagenix line is excellent at releasing toxins and impurities from the body. Drinking adequate water helps support this process. During the Isagenix program, it is recommended to drink between two to four litres of water every day. Herbal or green teas can also be included in your water goals.
Q. I drink coffee – can I also use Isagenix?
A. It is recommended to avoid coffee during the first 30 days of the program. If your main focus is not on cleansing, it is acceptable to drink one or two cups of coffee per day.
The Business Aspect
Q. How important is it to join a good team?
A. Becoming a member of a solid team is key to your success as an Isagenix associate. A good team can help you enjoy:
- An increased number of sign-ups
- An excellent support network
- Special invitations to exclusive events for members only
- Access to a private Facebook group
- Personal welcome kit
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Q. How exactly do I earn money?
A. With Isagenix, earning money is straightforward. As soon as you experience the excellent results for yourself, you’ll naturally want to share your transformation with family and friends. Instead of focusing on selling, you will simply share your experience with others and help get them started if they are interested.
Upon deciding to become an Associate, you will receive a personal website along with resources and first-class training. You will also enjoy an excellent support network to help guide you on your way to success. Teams are located across the world in the United States, Asia, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the UK. Help is just a phone call or a click away.
In terms of compensation, Isagenix employs the “You Share, They Share, Repeat” system. This simply means you will get a couple of family members or friends to try the program and they will do the same. By doing this, you will enjoy regularly weekly deposits to your bank account in just a matter of time.
Q. Is the associate program a scam? It sounds too good to be true.
A. Simply put – no! As opposed to pyramid schemes and illegal scams that do not involve an actual product, Isagenix sells thousands of items each month to loyal customers. The opportunity to earn is not just real, it is limitless. Some associates even end up making more than their sponsors in some cases.
In addition to the proven business potential and trusted products behind Isagenix, the company also stands apart from other direct marketing companies in the areas of integrity and excellence. While many companies only focus on short-term growth and sales, Associates with Isagenix enjoy a culture focused on passion, long-term success, and integrity. Thanks to its excellent culture and support system, many individuals are earning six-figure incomes!
Q. Why makes Associates so successful?
A. Isagenix Associates enjoy success for a number of reasons. For example, they benefit from the unmatched quality of the products. From nutritionally dense snacks and meal replacements shakes to scientifically advanced anti-aging and cleansing products, Isagenix is designed to boost overall health, nourish the body, and have a positive impact on lives.
Thanks to the compensation plan (You Share, They Share, Repeat), Isagenix Associates enjoy both residual and retail income. Enjoying reduced prices on all Isagenix products and having the ability to work almost anywhere in the world and set your own schedule are just a few of the benefits of being an Associate.
Need More Help?
Contact our local NZ consultant (Sara) at isatrimnz@gmail.com.